Jeffries Station
Moncks Corner, SC.
A former 346 MW coal fired power plant, the Santee Cooper Jefferies Station was completely dismantled and demolished, hazardous waste abated, and the site fully restored for future development.
Project Background
Development of site-specific work plans of site-specific Work Plans, Health & Safety Plan, Hazard Assessment Plan, Engineering, and Asbestos Abatement Plan. Sampling, analysis, removal & disposal of liquids. Abatement of asbestos containing materials, abatement of lead-based paint, and removal of other hazardous and universal wastes. Full intake/outtake closure, including the placement of flowable fill into the structures. Demolition of the power plant and associated outlying buildings and processing of recyclable concrete. Demolition and/or abandonment of certain coal bunkers, tunnels, and circulating water piping. Dismantled two 300' concrete stacks with active high voltage lines and two active switchyards. Recycling of all scrap steel, approximately 19,000 tons. Full site restoration including backfill, topsoil, paving, drainage, and utilities.
Project Status
Property Type
Former Coal Fired Power Plant
Demolition & Remediation
Asbestos Abatement, Lead Abatement, Recycling of 19,000 lbs. of steel.

Jefferies Station
Moncks Corner, SC.
A former 346 MW coal fired power plant, the Santee Cooper Jefferies Station was completely dismantled and demolished, hazardous waste abated, and the site fully restored for future development.
Project Background
Development of site-specific work plans of site-specific Work Plans, Health & Safety Plan, Hazard Assessment Plan, Engineering, and Asbestos Abatement Plan. Sampling, analysis, removal & disposal of liquids. Abatement of asbestos containing materials, abatement of lead-based paint, and removal of other hazardous and universal wastes. Full intake/outtake closure, including the placement of flowable fill into the structures. Demolition of the power plant and associated outlying buildings and processing of recyclable concrete. Demolition and/or abandonment of certain coal bunkers, tunnels, and circulating water piping. Dismantled two 300' concrete stacks with active high voltage lines and two active switchyards. Recycling of all scrap steel, approximately 19,000 tons. Full site restoration including backfill, topsoil, paving, drainage, and utilities.
Project Status
Property Type
Former Coal Fired Power Plant
Demolition & Remediation
Asbestos Abatement, Lead Abatement, Recycling of 19,000 lbs. of Steel