98six° is committed to building a better future by focusing on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. The degree sign in 98six° represents the company’s shared commitment to improving the relationship between the built environment and the human communities they support.
98six’s ESG goals include reducing Scope 4 emissions by accelerating the shift to renewables through repowering existing grid assets. We also reduce embodied carbon through the reuse of infrastructure assets; and on average, we remove at least 15,000 tons of hazardous waste from the ground during site remediation. Lastly, we strive to be good stewards of land management by committing space in our projects to nature, either by creating nature hikes or bee habitats.
98six° also maintains a deep commitment to the communities in which it invests and operates. We understand the impact our redevelopment projects make in local communities, filling the gap often lost when industrial plants are decommissioned and left abandoned. 98six° is also focused on playing an active role in its communities: Volunteering our time, skills, and resources, as well as being sensitive to the diversity of opinions and priorities of various constituents.
Safety is also a top priority for 98six°. We maintain an Experience Modification Rate (EMR) of 1.0 or below from all our partners. We also look for diversity in partners and developers, striving to work with minorities, women, and veteran-owned businesses. 98six° also partners with local business councils and works with established mentorship programs to inspire and activate youth engagement. We create opportunities for family recreation, such as donating marina space to the Miami Dolphins to raise money for charity through community fishing and sailing events.
ESG issues are foundational to the company’s investment analysis and due diligence processes, which include a rigorous underwriting regimen, risk management evaluation, and approval processes. 98six° operates within a framework of strong policies and principles established by its founders to embrace corporate responsibility, accountability, ethics, integrity, and transparency in its stakeholder relationships. By investing in 98six°, investors can be confident in their commitment to building a better future for all.