Revitalizing Rail: Why 98six° Properties are Ideal for Rail Storage and Transload Facilities

Zachary VaughnIndustrial, Transportation

Rail storage and transload facilities play a critical role in the transportation and logistics industries. These facilities offer a seamless transition for rail transportation and storage, which helps to streamline the supply chain and provide cost-effective solutions for customers. At 98six°, we understand the importance of these facilities and have developed properties that cater to rail storage and transloading.

Our properties are situated in strategic locations that are highly accessible to major transportation routes, including rail and highways. This means that businesses looking to establish rail storage and transload facilities will have easy access to their end markets. Additionally, our sites feature expansive areas that are perfect for rail storage, allowing businesses to efficiently store and manage their cargo. 

We also recognize the importance of environmental sustainability, and our properties are designed with eco-friendliness in mind. We have implemented green infrastructure solutions, including rain gardens and bioswales, that help to reduce the impact of our facilities on the environment. This is especially important for rail storage and transload facilities, which often require significant amounts of land. 

Another benefit of our properties is the availability of large-scale power infrastructure, which is crucial for rail storage and transload operations. Our properties have significant power capacities, which can provide the necessary energy for rail storage and transloading equipment, lighting, and other operational needs. 

Furthermore, our team is committed to working with our tenants to create a safe and efficient working environment. We prioritize the safety of all personnel and have implemented strict safety protocols to ensure a secure and efficient operation. Additionally, we have a strong focus on customer service, and work closely with tenants to develop tailored solutions to meet their unique business needs. 

At 98six°, we understand the importance of rail storage and transload facilities to the transportation and logistics industries. Our properties provide an ideal environment for these facilities, with strategic locations, eco-friendly design, large-scale power infrastructure, and a strong focus on safety and customer service. We are committed to helping businesses achieve their goals by providing the perfect site for their rail storage and transload operations.